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11 December 2008


Joseph Cornejo

I read Brothers in Arms last month and am looking forward to your review. I know enough about the case to know that Russo basically took every piece of evidence that could be construed to support his thesis - no matter how incredible - and lumped it all together. It works to overwhelm the reader with an impressive and well-written narrative, but it offers no critical analysis, and I suspect that the story becomes much less believable after such an analysis. This is all-too-typical of books about the JFK assassination: a one-sided brief for a particular scenario, and not a well-reasoned interpretation of all the known facts.

Vince Palamara

Very interesting, indeed. Thanks for including my information. Marty Underwood was an enigma. Perhaps he was confused with JAMES Underwood, the assistant news director of KRLD-TV and radio in Dallas who rode in a pool car three cars behind JFK's limousine on 11/22/63.

coach purses

Hey ! Am I glad to visit your blog! From this I can get some information that I didn’t know before. You made my day.


I know enough about the case to know that Russo basically took every piece of evidence that could be construed to support his thesis - no matter how incredible - and lumped it all together.

Brian Martin Reno

You seem to have waited until after his death to smear my uncle, Marty Underwood. We've got his files, we know the truth. We also have the photograph that shows Marty in the background while LBJ is being sworn in.

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