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11 March 2010


Mike Jacobs

The level of irresponsibility, misrepresentation, and audacity demonstrated by Mr. Naftali makes one shiver at the realization that this man is the Director of one of our great Presidential Libraries. How he came to acquire that position is the subject of concern and outrage among many...


If our Government had any integrity they would terminate this fraud before he does any more damage.


The problem with Mr. Naftali is that he apparently doesn’t like President Nixon and taxpayer funds are being used to trash a United States president at his own Presidential Library. The Watergate exhibit at the Nixon Library has been down for two years even though he has a full curatorial staff. And if that isn’t bad enough, Mr. Naftali brings in every anti-Nixon speaker or author to uncontestedly dance on President Nixon’s grave at the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda (i.e. John Dean, George McGovern, and a litany of anti-Nixon authors that are just as fraudulent as himself). That’s our taxpayer dollars hard at work! Unfortunately Mr. Naftali teaches his impressionable interns anti-Nixon material which is well known amongst the members of my organization, the Docent Guild. I am one of many non-paid Docent volunteers at the Nixon Library and have watched the Guild struggle over the last few years under Mr. Naftali’s direction. At the same time I bet Tricia Nixon Cox and Julie Eisenhower of the non-profit Nixon Foundation find it difficult to raise funds for their organization when they share the building with Mr. Naftali’s anti-Nixon agenda.


It's interesting that if you click on "VoiceofReason" or "VoiceofReasonisCorrect," instead of an email link it in fact links to the National Archives-run Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum website. I really don't know what to make of that, but I am sure the advertising would be appreciated.

And if you spent any significant length of time perusing this site (or any of the NARA Presidential Library sites), you would in fact find a variety of information, specifically, how you can research Richard Nixon FOR YOURSELF and come to your OWN conclusions. It would be interesting to hear from the people who work with the researchers who contact and visit the library's research room (as opposed to the museum visitors) to see if any of the (in my opinion) judgmental folks actually do their own research or just rely on things they read on a blog.

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