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11 January 2012


Al Fordiani

The autopsy photographs are faked ("doctored" was the word used by O'Neill) as per the sworn ARRB testimony of the two FBI agents who witnessed the autopsy, Sibert and O'Neill (and numerous others). What does McAdams have to say about that?

Warren commission apologists like McAdams rely on faked forensic evidence. It was a frame-up, so of course there will be forensic evidence implicating Oswald.

If you ignore credible eyewitness testimony of frame-up, like that of O'Neillm who was 18 inches away from Kennedy's body during the autopsy, and you accept the falsified evidence, then of course you conclude that Oswald did it.

A Facebook User

If you want to get quickly “up to speed” on the JFK assassination, here is what to read:

1) LBJ: Mastermind of JFK’s Assassination by Phillip Nelson
2) JFK and the Unspeakable:Why He Died and Why it Matters by James Douglass
3) Brothers: the Hidden History of the Kennedy Years by David Talbot
4) The Dark Side of Camelot by Seymour Hersh
5) Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty by Russ Baker
6) Power Beyond Reason: The Mental Collapse of Lyndon Johnson by Jablow Hershman
7) Google the essay “LBJ-CIA Assassination of JFK” by Robert Morrow
8) Google “National Security State and the Assassination of JFK by Andrew Gavin Marshall.”
9) Google “Chip Tatum Pegasus.” Intimidation of Ross Perot 1992
10) Google “Vincent Salandria False Mystery Speech.” Read everything Vincent Salandria ever wrote.
11) Google "Unanswered Questions as Obama Annoints HW Bush" by Russ Baker
12) Google "Did the Bushes Help to Kill JFK" by Wim Dankbaar
13) Google "The Holy Grail of the JFK story" by Jefferson Morley
14) Google "The CIA and the Media" by Carl Bernstein
15) Google "CIA Instruction to Media Assets 4/1/67"
16) Google "Limit CIA Role to Intelligence" Harry Truman on 12/22/63
17) Google "Dwight Eisenhower Farewell Address" on 1/17/61
18) Google "Jerry Policoff NY Times." Read everything Jerry Policoff ever wrote about the CIA media cover up of the JFK assassination.
19) Google "CBS News and the Lone Assassin Story" by Roger Feinman"
20) Google "Reasoning about Assassinations" by James Fetzer
21) Google “Murray Rothbard the JFK Flap”
22) Google “Preserving the Legacy by Mat Wilson”
23) Google “Bertrand Russell 16 Questions on the Assassination”
24) Google "The Day Democracy Died in America by Tom Cahill"
25) Google "See the LBJ Robot by Mack White"
26) Google "Spooks make life miserable for Ambassador Lodge" by Richard Starnes 10/2/63
27) Google "The Intra-Administration War in Vietnam" by Arthur Krock 10/3/63
28) Google “Lee Harvey Oswald’s reading habits summer 1963” by Judyth Vary Baker

Rick Throne

53 years ago the Mafia and America's corrupt government murdered President Kennedy. In this explosive new book I prove these dark forces did in fact assassinate President Kennedy on 11/22/1963. This 351 page book has over 100 photographs and countless links insuring you will be convinced Harvey Oswald was what he claimed and that was he was in fact just a patsy. This fascinating new book hopefully will force our fascist government to, release all the countless documents their [sic] hiding under NATIONAL SECURITY before the 2039 deadline they now cling to...WAKE UP!

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