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« In Search of the Third Man | Main | Contributors »

16 August 2016



I enjoyed this DVD enormously. I teach an eleventh grade class in Forensics in Brooklyn. My class enjoyed your research and I found it thoughtful, creative, and well-done.

Bastos, Luís (Portugal)

Allow me a question: was it considered the hypothesis that the missing bullet might has been the third shot - the bullet C? And not the bullet A?
If bullets B and C are those that hit the president, that does not fit with the statement of those two clear witnesses about the time sequence that they heard the shots: they clearly said that the shots they heard was: bam..... bam, bam. That fits more with this hypothesis: the first shot hits the president and the governor (the magic bullet), the second shot blows Kennedy's brain, the presidential car makes a sudden accelaration and the third shot misses.
Could this be possible?

Chicago CPA

Cool post. There is so much discussed about JFK's shooting and it might be something that is never fully solved.

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