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« Anatomy of a Malignant Narcissist | Main | The Nixon Precedent »

11 November 2020


Jonathan Marshall

Fred Litwin performs a useful service by clearing up a lot of the nonsense written about Louis Bloomfield. Nonetheless, Bloomfield was much more than the bland "great humanitarian" depicted here.

Louis and his brother Bernard were both major secret contributors to Israel's covert nuclear bomb program (Michael Karpin, The Bomb in the Basement, 136). Many of the foreign funds for that program were apparently passed through the International Credit Bank of Geneva, whose founder, Tibor Rosenbaum, was on close terms with Israel's defense ministry and foreign intelligence agencies.

Rosenbaum's bank was also a notorious conduit of funds for Meyer Lansky and other U.S. organized crime figures (e.g. Robert Lacey, Little Man, 307-309).

The Bloomfield brothers and Rosenbaum were apparently close. Louis Bloomfield arranged a $15 million loan from Eldee Foundation to the Helvis Trust SA of Liechtenstein, owned by the International Credit Bank, in 1971 (Financial Post, March 22, 1975). Bernard Bloomfield was a director of Atlas Bank, the Bahamian subsidiary of International Credit Bank (Royal Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Failure of Atlantic Acceptance Corporation Limited, 1969 report, 1484-85).

These and other related facts have nothing to do with the JFK assassination, but they shed light on international organized crime, intelligence, and money laundering in the 1960s and 1970s. The LaRouche organization's writings, poisoned perhaps by anti-Semitism, have unfortunately obscured these important aspects of the Bloomfield brothers' careers.

Frederick Litwin

I don't know if the Bloomfield brothers contributed to a so-called Dimona campaign. At the time, it was not about nuclear weapons. One thing I do know: while the Bloomfields had some money, they weren't in the same category as the Bronfmans and other wealthy families. Bloomfield wasn't even a shareholder in PERMINDEX/CMC.

I find the other links above to be tenuous. I have gone through Bloomfield's letterbooks. His law firm was very busy--sending out about two thousand letters per year. Most of the letters were mundane corporate work: the dates of annual meetings, signing this paper or that paper, etc. I see no direct connection from Bloomfield to Lansky.

Also, the two Bloomfield brothers ran separate law firms, and there were times when they quarreled; they definitely had their differences.

Paul Hoch

The article states that the 1992 document that refers to Clay Shaw as a “highly paid CIA contract source” is “factually unreliable for reasons apart from its description of Shaw.”

Here are some of those reasons specified.

The same 1992 document that calls Shaw a "contract source" refers to “records relating to Gilberto Alvarado, who maintained that he witnessed Cubans passing Oswald cash at a party on the night before the assassination.”

(See this link:

In fact, this description is obviously a confused mashup of two allegations separately made: one by the aforementioned Alvarado in 1963 (which he then retracted), and another by a woman many years later named Elena Garro de Paz.

A different page in the 1992 document correctly describes Alvarado as “the Nicaraguan who claimed he saw Lee Harvey Oswald receive cash in meeting inside Mexico City Cuban embassy.”

(See this link:

Elena Garro de Paz, however, claimed to have seen Oswald and two companions at a “twist party” in Mexico City.

(See this link:

The date given for the twist party (November 21) matches neither allegation and is obviously an error, thus suggesting the 1992 document is much less than a reliable accounting of what the CIA's own archival documents actually showed.

On the night before the assassination, Oswald was in Dallas with Marina (thus he could not have received cash in Alvarado's presence or have been at a party in Mexico City). Oswald was only in Mexico City from September 26 to October 3. If he attended a party--which is a big if--it could only have happened during this time period.

(See this link:

(And also this:

Finally, a researcher named Bill Kelly has done some debunking of the "twist party" allegation.



Submitted by Paul Hoch

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